CTLE hours vs. In-Service Hours
CTLEhours, are the hours you turn in to meet NYS professional development hours to meet SED requirements. They are not the same as district in-service hours turned in for salary purposes.
The Rome Teacher Center is a NYS approved CTLE provider. Anything taken through the Rome Teacher Center can be used for SED purposes such as meeting continued certification requirements. There are many approved NYS providers. Be sure and check that the provider has a NYS CTLE number prior to taking a workshop or course.
In-servicehours are (non graduate credit) hours you turn into the district for salary purposes. Only in-service hours offered through the Rome Teacher Center, can be turned in to the district for salary purposes.
The Rome Teacher Center has everything it offers for in-service hours preapproved by the district. This includes workshops and for example, 3 credit courses that can be taken for in-service the district won't accept it for in-service unless the Teacher Center has had it preapproved.
The Rome Teacher Center has an agreement with the district that notification of intent to study is only required for 3 credit (45 contact hour) Teacher Center courses. For less than that, the Teacher Center keeps track and sends the district notification when a person completes a credit (15 hours).
Prior District Approval of courses: You must submit for approval a Notification of Intent to Study form to the district prior to taking any course which is offered for 45 contact hours (3 in-service credits) or 3 graduate credits.